Ketter, Sheppard & Jackson

Contact Information for the former SKSP attorneys:

Mel Simburg - Mel is now practicing full time as an independent Arbitrator and Mediator.  He can be contacted at

David Ketter, Ken Sheppard, Jim Jackson & Andy Shafer -David, Ken, and Jim have formed a new firm, Ketter, Sheppard & Jackson, LLP, with offices at 50 116th Ave. SE, Suite 201, Bellevue, WA  98004.  Andy Shafer is Of-Counsel to KS&J.  The new firm has acquired the SKSP phone numbers and email addresses, so contact information for these attorneys remains unchanged:  David Ketter -, Ken Sheppard -, Jim Jackson -, and Andy Shafer -  The main 206-382-2600 phone number now connects to KS&J.

Jonathan Feil - Jonathan has retired from the practice of law, but for now you can continue to reach him at his old SKSP email address,

George Purdy - George is now practicing  independently, but for now you can continue to reach him at his old SKSP email address,

Phones: 206-382-2600 is now the main number for Ketter, Sheppard & Jackson, but we will be happy to give you updated contact information for the former SKSP attorneys.

COVID 19 Protocols.  KS&J continues to observe current COVID 19 protocols, with some attorneys and staff working remotely much of the time.  You can continue to contact us by email and mail as usual, but bear in mind that response to mailed items may be slower than usual. If you need to schedule an in-person meeting, please discuss that with your responsible attorney by email or phone.  Video conferencing is available via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. 

Court Dates and Other Deadlines: For status of any court date or appearance in your matters, please contact your attorney or legal assistant directly by voicemail or email. Current court policies for cancelling or delaying hearings and other court proceedings vary from court to court and might be changed further at any time.

New Inquiries: If you are contacting our firm for the first time and are not certain with whom to speak, please email us at ‘’ or leave a voicemail at our main number. Do not leave confidential information as there is no attorney-client protection for such messages. Please be aware that we will not represent you in any matter or proceeding, take any action on your behalf, or enter an attorney-client relationship unless and until we have spoken with you, cleared potential conflicts and agreed to terms of representation.